Environmental assets: Rocks

Meeting 9/2/17

After getting familiar with the art style I was then tasked with creating some environmental assets for this week. These assets were to be rocks that act as obstacles for the player to overcome or appear in the background.


I started by looking at many pictures of different rock formations and how they look in nature with aspects such a moss. This helped me come up with a variety of interesting and challenging rock designs for the player and to keep the levels looking aesthetically pleasing. Here is a collection of my images used for reference:



With the help from the style guide and my research I was able to come up with lots of different designs as seen below.

With this first design I went for an arch-way style I thought maybe the character could try and climb over or even through it as the map allows for the character also move horizontally. I went for a moss design as this was one of the rocks on the style guide and made the arch look ancient. Also a flower at the top contrasts nicely against all the green and makes the rock interesting along with the hanging roots showing its age.

I went for a more simple design for this rock this was so that this rock could maybe be re-used for backgrounds and it also followed the colour pallet for a different type of rock on the style guide.

This rock is an over hanging design which the player could also climb up as an obstacle it uses a lighter grey colour pallet with patches of moss and roots underneath to show its age.

For these I came up for the idea of stepping stones this is why they are together and vary in size, the character could jump from one to the other as an obstacle.

I wanted to create a bridge like design for these rocks the character to climb over the bridge to avoid something below.

These rocks are very important they are more like pebbles and small stones, they are an important asset because these will be used as weapons against the main boss fight as the character can kick them at the enemy. But they  could also be re-used for background art. I took some of each rock from the style guide when creating them.

This boulder is also an important asset, the design must be round as the character is intended to push the boulder to activate a path way through the level.

I mixed it up a bit from rocks as I got bored so decided to have a go at doing a root in the similar style as the branch I created in the previous week.

This was just anther simple rock with the lighter grey tone and patches of moss, it could be used as an obstacle due to the ramp like shape.

This one was more of a cobblestone look but I wanted it to be completely covered in moss just to make it more diverse and aesthetically pleasing.

here are just more standard rocks to be used within background art gave them long moss at the top to stand out from some of the others.

This could also be used as an asset within the level that the character could push but I have added more detail such as the mushroom and grass to change the environment up a bit.

I did these as part of an extra task as Syl said I could make some more individual rocks if I wanted too just fill in the background. These rocks are rather basic so they can just be re-used through out levels. However within the feedback given I had to re-paint the moss covered rocks because I had the wrong brush size and the moss looked to big.

Below are the re-designed rocks as Syl suggested. This time using a smaller brush size and finer strokes to achieve a natural moss look that fits in with the art style.

rock redo

Style Guide:

Here are the style guides for these assets they may be re-used as other assets are made with the same values and techniques.

rock1rock 2



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